Yume 2kki has alot of characters. A lot. There are cute blorbo creatures, there are things kontentsu makes, there are yume-nikki-but-also-not-really, there are human npcs and there are even other -tsukis. Yume 2kki has a very wide selection of NPCs, some cuter than others. You can find NPCs in almost every world, the more "real" the world is the more likely you are to find another inhabitant. Hell, if you play on YNO there are NPCs all over the nexus!!! HA ha ha get it... (slaps my knee)....

This is one of the many, many, many reasons I like yume 2kki. I am an artist, people! More NPCs = More characters for me to draw! Though more often than not I stick to drawing sweets musume (My favorite).

NPCs can do alot for a 2kki world. they can serve as landmarks (if they're really slow, and if you're really fast), they can serve as teleporters, effect givers, chasers, fangirls, and they can make a world feel.. Not as lonely? Oh whatever, I'm not sure how to explain my point to you, my dearest reader, I hope you know what I mean though.

NOTE TO SELF: You should include information about the NPCs instead of how they make you feel

The 01-Kuns

aren't these little guys so cute? isn't that rare? kontentsu makes something CUTE?...Sorry that was mean. It's just tough love :) I hate everything I love ! I think these guys are my favorite out of all the non humanoid NPCs. mainly the green one because, uh, it's in the digital forest. which is my favorite map. In another map kontentsu made there' a green 01-kun plushie and ... anhh it's so cute! gee, I wish that was my house. What, is it the liars house? IDK, but one day I'm gonna make that damn plushie. I have a white lying problem, so I basically pretty much already live there in that house if it really is called the liars house. that npc there is me

Apartment Amoeba

the apartment amoeba... very nostalgic character to me :) I love him very, very much. I like most characters from old 2kki, and that will show stronger once you read more of this page. There's not much to say about this fiend, he's a funny cute character. How can you not like him? He looks so derpy... and he looks like a fried egg. I love fried eggs. Not actually, eggs taste like shit, but fried eggs are just cute. You know? He's cute when you show him different effects. the telephone wields my favorite reaction ;)


Tiny little fruit bat... what a cute, cute, girl. The red riding hood effect is my favorite effect in yume 2kki. Pretty much my favorite effect in, all yume nikki fangames combined. I like the area you get it in (but NOT the new area. NOT the birch forest. No. I'm anti that area) and appururi is such a cute character. she's one of those characters that everyone loves but no one makes fanart of. Lol. it's weird isn't it? I'll be the appururi fanart machine though, I'll draw cute yuri of her and komorin. or urotsukis bat effect, idk. YURI IS YURI!

The Beret Twins

Also nostalgic characters to me. reminiscent of early 2kki. They lead you to atlantis, and from there you can choose from the city or... that other section. Sorry, I hate that section. I like atlantis alot. Did you know when they still had yume 2kki music on spotify it was my most played song? That doesn't have anything to do with this, but still. They're responsible for bringing you to atlantis and I like that. I don't really like how the black one just stands there. or is it the blue one? Whatever, the one you find at the snowy pipe organ. OH the snowy pipe organ is a pretty place too. :9

Boringu Otoko and Pingai

Yeah, there's not too much to say about these characters either. Theyre funny looking, they're cute, and they run around in the bowling alley (oh, who would have guessed!?) I used to be obsessed with the bowling alley in 2022. Like, 2022 before I played 2kki. The first day i had played 2kki was october 13th 2023. I was obsessed with that song in april 2022. Oh, I have alot to say about my early 2kki days.. :'D


Chalkboard Musume

Desu chan and Onee chan

Huyure Chan




Helmet Musume


Kamen-Eshi (Painter Kun)

Kigaru (Key Girl)

Owner of the Mask Shop... Chan

the Monmons


Okina Robusta

Oni Musume (Devil Girl)




Sweets Musume

Tako Otoko

Twintail Chan


This White Drooling Creature