ellys current life and the future of touhouproject

written: 16/1/25
last updated: 17/2/25

hi ellybros, wassup?? I don't check this site much anymore. to be specfiic, i havent checked this site since august 2024. LOL. why, you may ask? It's cuz I started using twitter again. I'm only back here because i'm mutuals with some fetarded rucks and I got tired and deactivated and want to return to my spergie wonderland.

Elly's current life? Well, I started 10th grade in september and i dropped my two friends and now I am mysteriousm I am unknown quiet girl and people leave me tf alone which is whhat I've always wanted. I have zero desire to talk to ppl or make friends. I dropped those friends for a reason though, I was a backup buddy to them and they never really gave a fuck about me.

thanks to my mental stability I was able to bag 2 online classes. Now I go home at lunch! yay! do I actually do schoolwork? NO. lol. as of writing this I have 7 days to finish my assignments or I FAIL and don't get the credit! My dearest reader, can you pray I finish 40 assignments in a week? :3

oktober was a filler month, i did jack shit but play among us and get sick. My mom had surgery for her hernia, I read junji itos Uzumaki...? Yea nothing special.

come november shit hit thw FANNNNNNNNNNUHHHHHHHHHHHHH let me break it down for you. greentext style

>be me
>remembrance day
>dont feel like listening to a bunch of old guys play bagpipes and scream orders
>stay home
>be me before remembrance day
>creepy middle aged neighbor below us found a way to hack into our wifi and spy on our devices
>police wont do anything about it
>mom combats this by throwing shit on the floor, saying cryptic shit on the balcony when he's out there smoking, plays loud gangster rap on her phone at all times
>back to old ppl day
>asks to use my phone to scroll social media while she plays gangster rap
>my password is a master key to every account i've ever made online
>"ok, let me just change the password so you can get in quicker"
>"what are you hiding from me? I hate secretive bullshit. you're hiding something from me. You know I can see everything you do from the wifi network, rite? what are you hiding from me?"
>"ok, i'm not giving you my phone"
>ffw 30 minutes
>"can I use your phone now?"
>"say sorry first"
>proceeds to give me 2 half-assed sorries, wouldn't even expect this from a toddler
>"no, you can't use my phone"
>mom proceeds to kick my wall, flip me off and slam my door.
>ffw 2 minutes
>"why do I even pay for your phone? you don't use it. I'm cancelling your phone plan and if you have a problem you can GET A JOB"
>pack a bag and walk 40m to my grandmas house
>been living here since then

ummm, ok liberal? LOL. anyway, I'm writing this part one month AFTER THIS PAGE WAS MADE!!!! I have zero idea where I was going with this, but I will try.

for the absolute presenty present, I just play roblox and masturbate. No Joke. does anyone wanna play dandy's world with me sometime? I want to practice distracting.