Hi everybody!! Thanks for checking this page out :) Before I talk about anything else I'd like to credit Suni dokode.moe for inspiring the layout of this page...and the layout of most pages on my site lol. I assure you this was made from the ground up, though. if u even care
I already have had a few blogs in the past (a whole 2) but I dunno... I feel like.. hm.. that THIS IS MY website and i can have an unlimited amount of yap dumps as i wanttt.. and i kinda thought the layout of the last page was cute so I just renamed it to miniblog :)
am i gonna talk about myself a whole lot? yes of course i am! am i gonna talk about shit no one rly cares about? of cou~rse i am!!! will i dump fanfiction here? maybe. will i rename this page to "writings" if I do do that? maybe. maybe not. you never know with little old me
someday in the future when I have enough writings I will organize them properly into sections like "general", "la vie quotidien", "ranting" or whatever else idk. I think each post will be updated with time but I'll try not to do that. or, idk. idk idk idk idk anything
happy reading !
page creation date: 10/02/24
last update: 14/02/24