whatever is at the bottom is the newest addition + i use dd/mm/yy

08/10/23 I added many placeholder pages for today, one for my original characters and stories, a chatbox so you can leave me a message about how fucking ugly my site is, a page where i will list everything i want to add to my site and this page. i think that's it?! i also edited my touhou shrine a little bit :) BUT I DINT CHANGE THE POSITIONING OF THE IMAGES SO IT LOOKS REALLY AWFUL PLEASE . IT WILL BE FIXED BY TOMORROW HOPEFULLY i changed the background to be colourful and cute and i added placeholders for my favorite characters, along for a section for my favorite games and favorite songs. i'm not big into shipping anymore but i'd love to add a page for my ships :) it used to be my hyperfixation in 2022. i miss that time so much.

09/10/23 I added more graphics to my graphics page and updated my wishlist. yeah . not too much for today but i'm coding on an ipad so . i dont want to do alot