Haii, my name's elliette, or just elly :D

I'm fifteen years old, I'm an aromantic lesbian (yes, it works), I use it/she pronouns

IDRK what to say about myself honestly, I speak a lot and say nothing at the same time. I'm really eccentric, i'm autistic, I really really really really really really really really really love karl a whole bunch... and nue houjuu is my favorite touhou character. yay!

below are some questionnaires I've filled out about myself, if u wanna try to know me a little more. but if u rly wanna get to know me, just be my friend. my discord is bgm023 :)

questionnaire #1

Full name



Elliot, ellyfish, ellybear... Some people used to call me el




may 27th 2009

Where Do You Live Now?



I have brown curly hair. kinda dead. i also have the biggest nose on earth. Algerian women tend to look more masculine, so I'll never live out my dream of being a pink frilly princess

Favorite Animal(s)

seals! obviously!

Favorite TV Show(s)

animaniacs... For eastern, I like fullmetal alchemist, madoka magica, rozen maiden, kill me baby and death note :-)

Favorite Kind(s) Of Music

techno music, gabber, (happy) hardcore, eurodance from the 90s... I also like metal from the 90s and denpa. and...Industrial.. i think it's called. My favorite musicians are korn, kmfdm, msi, dj ruffneck, dj technorch, dj sharpnel, bis, hakushi hasegawa... whatever. technohead too

Favorite Movie(s)

final destination 1 thru 5, coraline, the clique, mean girls :)

Future School

med school, if I get good enough grades

Future Job

umm, i pray a dentist because they make good money


no, and i have no desire of finding any anytime soon. Unless you're a blond with long ish hair. come to me

Best Buds

I like being alone, so the only people I regularly talk to are my friends Tate and Ame. that could change though, i just dont get ppl asking to befriend me very often

Favorite Candy

nerds clusters man, they're awesome


drawing, coding, umm... jorking it? i don't know. i think i developed a new hobby recrntly but i must have forgotten it

Things You Collect

perfumes, and sanrio toys

Favorite Body Part Of The Opposite Sex?

lol, what do you think? not that i'm attracted to (real) men in that way though

What Do You Sleep in?

a bed, what else? the floor?

Best Advice

learn to block people please.

Favorite Thing To Do In Spring

gain a lot of weight

What's Your Bedtime

i go to bed around 11 or 12 most nights, but if i wake up really early i go to bed between 5pm and 8pm. you can make fun of me for going to bed so early, but remember who has trouble waking up for school and who doesn't :-)

Favorite Subject(s) In School?


Favorite Color(s)

yellow, pink, and my 3rd favorite changes between green, blue and white. i think it's green right now though

Favorite People To Talk To Online

anyone who's not dry

Root-Beer or Dr. Pepper?


Do You Shave?

once every 5 months yes

Favorite Vacation Spot(s)


Did You Eat Paint Chips When You Were a Kid?

no but i ate fake plants, that's on the same plane right?

The ONE Person Who You Hate The Most

probs my mom, but i don't really hate anyone. my answer will change depending on when u ask me though

Favorite Food(s)

cucumbers and apples. there's a reason i used to go by applecumber :3 interesting how they're my favorite foods, are super low in calories (cucumbers being 99.9% water), but i am still a hamplanet! huh

When You Die, Do You Wanna Be Buried or Burned Into Ashes?


Do You Believe In Aliens?

yeah but not the big green eyed bulbous head ones we see in fiction, i think an alien (which would be reffering to any form of life on a planet other than earth) would not be humanoid or look anything like what we've seen before, if anything it could just be some cells. though i think the definition of alien fluctuates based off of who u ask, most people will think of aliens as something distinctly humanoid but i dont think thats likely

If You Had The Chance To Professionally Do Something, What would You Do?

NO!! Hobbyist 'til i die, i don't even wanna take art professionaly.

Things You Obsess Over

fictional characters, what else?

Favorite Day of the Week

wednesday or thursday

A Teacher You Hate

my 9th grade drama teacher can go d** in a h***

Favorite Disney Movie

i haven't watched many disney movies, i'd say tangled because it's the only one I remember

What Is Your Favorite Season?

off and monster season!!! ... no, i think autumn or winter is my favorite

What Toppings Do You Like On Your Pizza?

pineapples + ham, sometimes i like olives but for the most part i just like cheese

Do You Like Your School Food Itself (As In The District Food)

yes actually, they have really good chili and fries. i don't have enough money to eat there though

If You Could Live Anywhere, Where Would You Live?

france, or maybe switzerland. i want to live in europe, but i know they hate americans so i'd have to really try to perfect their language. Even though I am a Deluxe American and shouldn't worry about anything

Favorite Thing(s) To Do On Weekends

waste away and think of drawing

Favorite Flower(s)

lily of the valley, hibiscus

Favorite Number(s)

8, 52 and 4. 52 because when you put it in a calculator, it looks like a heart

Favorite Ice Cream flavor(s)

mint chocoooo, and cherry garcia

What Kind of Guys/Girls Are You Attracted to?

blond ones >_>

What's Your Most Embarrassing Moment?

may 27th, 2009

If You Could Change One Thing About Yourself What Would It be?

the fact i can onlg change one thing, like whattt?! i can't choose between a slim nose or skinny body :p

Favorite Time of Day

when its time to go to bed

Can A Guy and Girl Be Just "Best Friends?"

yes. my best male friend is a homosexual and i am also a homosexual. we both love skibidi toilet banban fortnite.

Do You Ask The Girl / Guy Out Or Do You Wait For Them To Come To You?

wait for them to come to me, especially if we're not even friends

What's The Most Important thing In Someone's Personality

compassion / patience / just being understanding idk man..., if you refuse to understand why what you said made me upset HNK HNJ COUGH My mofher... Then unfortunately i will have to beat you to death

What Was the Best Gift You Ever Received?

deftones tshirt i got for christmas, it was an actual surprise because i don't even know how my uncle knew i loved deftones. yay!!! it was the only gift i felt as though I could show a genuine reaction for

What Did You Listen To While Completing It?

the ambience of my fan, keep the party goin' - technohead after i decided to stop torturing myself to silence

Are you or would you like to be married in the near future (next 5 years)?

married at 19-20, i pray i'm never that desperate for money. but it's likely