• You may not spell his name as Carl with a c
  • you must listen to the first rule

I think my lovl for karl comes off as a joke more often than not by the way I go berserk and angry when I see him but I lovl him alot Like alot... I think I've just been embarassed to admit that

at the end of the day, i love him just as much as i'd love another real person and there's no point in trying to cover that because it is true, and lying gets you nowhere in life. I want to attract likeminded people So I maked this shrine

Question: erm elleh arnt u Lesbian;-; how could you love a Male Character as much as a rel Humen when ure a lesbian

Answer: (gnome runs past) Omg did you see that

sgur up Don't ever hit me with this gay shit or i will block you He isnot a person Do not make comments about fiction influencinh my Sexuality Goodbye

So karl... He is from a (not available online) webcomic called " Castle of Nations " .. If you know him, you probably know him because he was a competitor in the Law of Talos OC tournament ... He does not originate from Taitle... :9

He's a psychopathic resin statue with a Passion for hating humans... Cute Little blondie... I like him so bad. He is also supposed to be a pirate ... He used to be a decorative statue for this shitty amusement park (his words not mine) and is powered by "Energy" from a "Castle" in the "Amusement park"... I think... I don't know the exact Exaccctt source of energy but I kmow it's from somewhere in the park. He can't be gone for too long or he runs out

his hair is yellow

he has a Little bird companion named arma who, in Samurai Duelers League (another oc tournament (i think? i don't know much about it) is His daughter (SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE) He also uses her as his weapon cos she shapeshifts Its so cool hes so Cool i love everyhting


It makes me sad that there is not much in depth information about him available to us ... because someone decided they Had to go to Art school and Stopped updating their tumblr and Now i am starving for information.

why do you like him so much, elly?

um, there are alot of reasons. alot of silly reasons too :p I'll try and make a list but It's always been hard for me to put my thoughts and feelings into words (warning you that i will say the same shit like 3 times in a row)

shape language

Like most things in this world, I have a vague understanding of shape language. I watched one youtube video and All I remember is "circle = soft happy bubbly, square = protective warrior (i dont fkn know LOL) triangle = evil" but i think this is Enough for me... You know that weird little thing on his head? That "hair" thing? What shape is that... Thasa triangel. he has alot of sharp points (triangles pretty mach) in his design And U know why that is? Hed a statue..a Rocky rocky statue.. and I have been thinking about this ever since I had watched that youtube video (sometime in july, it's february now) How it's really fitting for him to be a statue because of tha rocky sharp points. I'm hoping you at least sort of understand what I'm getting at ...

karl isn't like climber He is fake and evil APH brah!!! So like IDK ID ONT KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN HOW I FEEL Le elly remembers this is le her websige that the can le do whatever she le wants on UHMM!! I will not be elaborating anymore THANKS MY SITE


yelllow is my avorite colour in theentire world Hes got yellow all over him hes like an elly magnet Hes like a little sun Sunnshine lollipos=ps and rainbows evertwhere/,.. His hair is yellow Hes so yellow (?? idk what to sayhelp) I lovl blonds i have been destined for obly blonds my entire Life..


He talks like a dirty nasty Polite little canadian who I hate very much i do not like canadians.... But it draws me in (i live in canada did u kno)

actuallu jusyt the way he talks

This wans more abt mr-tea-and-crumpets Than him But it's ok Guyd.. He talks rly Funny and cute I like it very much but idrk how to describe the Way he talks its so Stupidly formal miss me with that gay shit karl Stop talking/like that IDK I think its so cute Youre too formal brah what r u doing all that dor... all this chivalry just to be sad and alone without any human girls to love you LOL Loseer

did i mention

hes yellowwwwwwwwwwww

He id a boy

This onr sounds so weird stop It there's soeemthig about him being U KNOW A boy... That also draws me in IDKK maybe its so i can reblog all the tumblr posts i see him in with "that one dyke who does not play abt her beloved fictional man" or maybe get this They don't make good female characters these days PICTURE THIS:m your name is elly squee Anf you're longing for cute female characters to chew on one day you see the femalest looking character ever it tuerns out to be a boy Sorry im just saying shit U NEVR KNOW WITH LITTLE OLD ME

But yheres something about fictional men that draw me in more than fictional women. Something abt the... ouuh idk the word. but i've never been attracted to fictional women they're just not as appealing as real women and i'm also not a fan of the fantasy tropes put Onto women... MEN ON THE OTHEHR HAND

My emotions

I would've said sumthing like the way he makes me feel but i think people will interperate that as something faggy. IT'S TRUE!! I write alot about how much I wanna hurt him and how when I look at him too long I get angry and yah, that's like kinda true.. but obvs not fully. i just can't put my feelings into words! Like I literally can't. if you asked me to describe how he makes me feel i'd say something dumb like Schmuck. or Like, scooberty.. Idk... There's no already defined emotion in the english language that can summarize how I feel The feeling I get... i've NEVER experienced anything like it before!! And it ends up kinda stressing me out when I experience it for too long, which is why I say Hurtful stuff. but I do wish I could gag him and tie him up and force him to watch youtube with me and that is NOT my angry stressed side coming out WHOOOOO JUST SAID THAT

i coudl literly talk forever abour how much i love him and care for him and need to !$^#&!(!^ OMG ELLY YOUCHNT s I cannot... point Out every littl thingi lovl about him As much asas i wnat Toooo

competing in law of talos

Yeahguys the moment youve all been waiting for My law of talos dumpign yayyy!!! :D epic face much

spoiler alert HE LOST IT HE FUCKING LSOT IT im mad i wish he died (SPOILER ALERT HE D)

Ya h so if u kno anything abt him I'm Verrrry sure U know abour his affilations with law of talos.

2 keep it short, law of talos is an original character tournament that started in 2008 and ended in Like early 2009 i dunnooo i think it took place in the summer. It's steampunk themed, and It takes place in the city of taitle. It was a closed invite that only the ELITE could enter (elite = someone who's already competed in a tournament before and "knows the ropes") and Whoop de do unknown person was invited to join and he did and he used The yellow fyucker

he fought against Mizuno, Steffi & Kiwibot, Rellik, the Chimbley Sweep & annie and the professor. He also Briefly interacted with my OTHERRRR BOYYYFRRIIEEENNNDDDDDDDDDDD, Zeurels Spoiler!... but he lost the final round to Annie & The professor . :T

at the end of law of talos, annies wish was to revive everyone who had either died or was injured in the competition (i don't remember what it was exactly, but it was something like that) fortunately for ME, and unfortunately for Karl, the wish-machine interpreted this as "revive everyone as a human" (cus of fucking course it did, OR DID IT? (i Faintly remembr hearing the ending on tumblr like last year so idunno specifics... lulz) and... Yeah ! Karl turned into a human, before he died.

Something something, energy, i don't know. He probably would've died from all the wounds anyway.. and maybe the LACK OF AN ARM. I like to think that everything he would've experienced that would hurt a human would've ended up hurting him all at once. and i'm sure he Vomited Everywhere from all the..Oh what's that? Ok. Ok i'll stop talking now...

the Self Ship Question Air: REDONE

in recent months I've come 2 terms with the fact that I'm actually In Love with a fictional character so there's no point in gasligjting myself into thinkin im not uhhmmmSo here I am today redoing this questionnaire because I have thought of many different scenarios and dynamics between me and him sooo Yah :3 :3 :3 Please enjoy your read. All the questions were taken from here. Most of this page is from march 2024 but it is september when I'm writing this :D half a year baby!!!!

what’s something you do to feel closer to them? fanfics, listen to songs, etc.
Umm, I like to make playlists of somgs that remind me of him. not necessarily songs I think he'd listen to, because no he definetly doesn't listen to nirvana. Um. ya, thats kinda the most I do. I'm still in my "no you cant do this its so crineg youre gonna get beaten and killed youre cringe Youre CRINGEY"phase but one day it'll go away and i'll write fanfics. :D

how did you get introduced to your f/o and/or their media? do you like their source?
Through tiktok, like most everybody else who knows of him these days :-) I like his source so much!! I really love castle of nations and law of talos I guess. I don't get to interact with the fans though. It's not like I want to. they're weird. but there aren't that many CON fans who fit the Special bubble of ppl i'm allowed to interact with... if you get my drift ;)))

what’s one or two things you especially like about your f/o? can be a headcanon!
I like that he's a pirate and how he hates humans it's kinda giving misogynistic 4chan volcel sorry I'm kidding thats my humor it!s called dark humor you fucking woke liberals... Ok sorry. but ya I like that he hates humans and he's blond and a porate and I reallllyyy Like the way he talks. not necessarily TNC's voice, just the way he writes. If you fead my blog posts, I'm sure you can tell, but I try to talk like him sometimes. :D

to be continued sry I have the school tomorrow (it's 10:00 pm;)

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