HeLLO welcome to the wacky world of. My but

My name is ELLY, Iam 14 years old, and I am a girl, and I like to code. Web design is not my passion, but rather my enemy

I think this site is very cool. Nekowebs styling reminds me alot of dokodemo on neocities. who is my biggest inspirer For html nd stuff

As aggresively stated by the URL, I am a bigbig Fan of the touhou project and general otaku culture. Iam the only touhou fan in the world ever.Thankyou

I am not sure if this site will be updated very frequently, if at all. I have a bad memory adn like I said, my homepage is on neocities. I will try my best To add other silly pages so even if I update only a few times a month, you still have plenty To Look at... Or, you can chec out my h


this site was created on february 27th, 2024, at 2 something A.M, on my ipad. All you need to view this site (and my neocities) is a screen larger than 1000px. No phones allowed.

my links:

On-Site: Nothing but us chickens!

Off-Site: Homepage

please check back soon, for more pages and updated styling.

elly elly bo belly banana fanna fo felly


Name(s): Elly, or charmeine. Either goes

Age: 14, born May 27th, 2009

Pronouns: She/her or it/its


Personality traits: colourful, envious, carefree, elly

orientation: aromantic lesbian

question: How does that work? answer: it just does

my favorite thing in the world ever is touhou.. And maybe drawing. I also like old deviantart such as OCTs (not Just law of talos), otaku culture and 1px solid black borders!