
hello welcome to my corner of the internet. a half touhou fansite, and a half personal site

truth be told i am too weird for the weird kids on social media and i need a place to express myself or i might go insane.

hope you enjoy your stay ! ^_^

Jaggie Scrapper

elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly elly

yes!!! my name's elly

first name elliete, last name sludgecake, sociallyg going by elly... im a weird vampire from mars!!!

i like to draw, and i like to do prealgebra, and i like to go on walks... im a freshman in hgihschool (fourteen (2009))

i get violent thiughts at night..i like to get intimate with pirate centric chaarcteds... and typos