hello and welcome to The Site

My name is elliette, and this is my evil corner on the internet

I made this site to dump everything in my head out on it, because I have many thoughts and not many ppl to share it with. It's really self indulgent, because I forget other people can see it sometimes , But I hope u like it here nontheless

you will find many cryptic ramblings of the Teenage girl species, and lots of infodumping. enjoy your stay!

if u want to ask a question or say something nice, consult my guestbook or my site profile

はいはい, i'm elliette!!!

ou vous pouvez simplement m'apeller "elly"
I'm an alien lifeform who's taken on the disguise of a 15 year old francophiliac >>_>>

I am a shipper of yellow and pink haired characters!!! I like to take pictures when it rains

I'm an autistic teen girl and my special interests are touhou and the 2000s

I'm not very good at web design, but i try my best

status moment

last updated: 16/08/24 @ 01:59

(current) favorite song: desert - hakushi hasegawa

last thing I ate: pepperoni

last game I played: left 4 dead 2 / roblox

last roblox game I played: dress to impress

take my button(s) with you!

hotlinks awesome. if you link, please let me know so I can add you back

Jaggie Scrapper

What to do while here

- Lookit my art

- Lookit all my Shrine


- leave comment in the guestbook

recent site updates :D

august 16th 2024

Ummm, new landing much? isn't it cute :-) i'm working on a new about me page too. i'm so lazy with html these days. forgive me

august 13th 2024

i've been adding small changes to this site everyday but I haven't added any to the log... lol.. slowly adding (and removing) more art and I've started working on a proper page for my original characters :) it's a huge work in progress though!! it'll probably be done by september.

july 30th 2024

lol, more art has hit the towers and i've also added a placeholder about me page while i work on The real deal.. and it'll probably take a while since i've been too lazy with coding recently fufu

july 26th 2024

new art has hit the elly towers

july 19th 2024

new art LEL and also i fixed my guestbook link cos it didn't work ^^' i also removed my shrines and am working on a directory page :D

july 18th 2024

i added new links and also started working on a new blog / journal

july 13th 2024

i add link and stuff

july 11th 2024

new index YAYYY my break is over

april 6th 2024

added some new buttons

check back soon :P

elliette february 2023 - infinity, made with love and powered by fruit juice